Somerville Fire Fighters “All In” For Emma


Somerville Fire Department Lt.Tom Tierney’s young daughter, Emma was just diagnosed with Leukemia. Lt. Steve Belski has put this site together for anyone that might want to help in any way that they can, to try to help ease some of the burden off this family’s shoulder, while they are going through this very difficult time.

The beautiful little 7 year old girl in this picture is Emma. She was diagnosed last Thursday with Leukemia and is currently undergoing treatment for the next 6 weeks at Children’s Hospital. Emma’s parents Tom & Jessica are two of my very good friends. I would like to raise some money to help with their medical costs. No donation amount is too small….every bit helps! Thank you very, very much! Please continue to keep Tom, Jessica, Emma and her little sister Addie in your thoughts and prayers! We are “All In” For Emma!

Steve Belski
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