Real Life Somerville Police Stories: disorderly Conduct Arrest

Justin DETORE Arrest

On July 30, 2015 I, Sergeant Salvatore Fusco was on a paid detail in full uniform at 156 Highland Avenue Somerville Mass. for Cuisine en Locale. While on my detail at approximately 6:25pm I was standing inside the entrance approximately 25 feet from the front door when I heard the sound of females screaming along with male voices yelling. Upon hearing the screams and yelling I immediately turned towards the entrance way where I observed a white male later identified as Justin Detore pushing past other individuals as he was attempting to punch another white male named XXXXX.


  Upon seeing Justin Detore pushing past people I immediately went to the entrance to intervene during which time Justin Detore was able to reach XXXXX at which time he proceeded to strike him with a closed fist to the back of the head and then throw him to the ground. After Justin Detore threw XXXXX they both landed on the sidewalk and he was able to punch him once more before I grabbed hold of his arm and identified myself as a police officer due to my being behind him. Once I was able to separate the two parties Justin Detore was laying on his back with his fists clenched and his arms recoiled as though he was going to fight along with his legs pulled backwards as though he wanted to kick strike out. It was during the immediate separation of the parties that I contacted Somerville Police Dispatch and requested that another unit be sent to my location. After telling him approximately three times Justin Detore relaxed his posture and then rolled over so that I could place him under arrest without incident.


Due to the aggressive nature of the attack and the lack of co-operation by XXXXX I charged Justin Detore with Disorderly Conduct.


Justin Detore was transported to the Somerville Police Station in the prisoner transport vehicle where he was booked by Lt. A. Rymill and processed in the usual Manner.




Respectfully Submitted,



Sergeant Salvatore Fusco, 292w

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