Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Mayor, Sister Maria and Former Alderman Political Hack Intentionally Preying on People in Distress

Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:

I just saw your recent Letter to the Editor regarding the ongoing political corruption and self gain that’s going on in Somerville.

A close friend to the involved conspirators told me yesterday that that former alderman developer/attorney and our beloved mayor have boughten up five more homes in Somerville just last week with inside information provided from the mayor’s sister Maria who is the Registrar of Deeds of Middlesex County. These homes that were going to be foreclosed on and belonging to people in dire straights with money; they low balled all of them, paid the banks off and made a fortune; this is insane and unfair. These self profiteering political predators who feed off of unfortunate people who are in dyer straights suffering the biggest emergencies of their lives is appalling and shameful and it must come to an end.

2 thoughts on “Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Mayor, Sister Maria and Former Alderman Political Hack Intentionally Preying on People in Distress”

  1. What former alderman? I believe I know of a victim going through this as we speak. It’s horrible and totally disgusting on their kids eyes that karma will get back at them asap!

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