The Disabled in Somerville, Seems Like You Are Not Wanted Here In Somerville

By Arthur Moore
All the years I have been around I have heard the older people complain about knee pain and hip pain and never thought much of it. Being young you figure its a little pain take two aspirin and it goes away.  I have now reached that stage in life when I now have the knee and hip pain. And now I have that realization that it is not a two aspirin cure. Almost nothing helps. It started with the occasional pain that went away. Continue reading The Disabled in Somerville, Seems Like You Are Not Wanted Here In Somerville

Reality Bite’s Response to William Tauro’s Article: Letter from the Editor:Mayor Joe Curtatone the Beat Goes on, But Ending Real Soon!

The answer to why nothing has been done to expose this worthless low life mayor—- GREED!!
All he had to do was jack up all our homes to artificial prices and sit back and watch the frenzy. Not only did our own locals sell and move away, but worse, the out of town yuppies bought and flipped thousands of condos, forcing our city to become unaffordable! They used the proceeds to by single homes off RT, Lexington, while the pols lied and said they were planning to raise families here. All BS! After that soccer camp fiasco, no yuppies in their right mind would move here
That’s how it began. Continue reading Reality Bite’s Response to William Tauro’s Article: Letter from the Editor:Mayor Joe Curtatone the Beat Goes on, But Ending Real Soon!

“I’m With Billy” Elect William “Billy” Tauro Mayor of Somerville 2021

I have not posted much but writing the Somerville News Weekly I do keep on this. But with Mr. Tauro running for mayor which he will most likely win we will finally see some common sense brought back here. There are things we need to do for the future if we can but is not always a sure thing.
Continue reading “I’m With Billy” Elect William “Billy” Tauro Mayor of Somerville 2021