Reality Bites On Today’s Somerville


The issues are too complicated. This was the strategy which I have followed the past 15 years: The city is comprised of city workers who are also taxpayers and have self serving interests and conflicts. They are split into two categories: one that is called a “hack”, defined as someone who will do whatever it takes to keep their job and serve the mayor’s evil empire.  Continue reading Reality Bites On Today’s Somerville

About Ballot Question 2​

By Bob Katzen

Question 2 asks voters if they approve of a proposed law that would implement a voting system known as “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) in which voters rank one or more candidates in order of preference. If one candidate receives more than 50 percent of the first-place votes, that candidate would be declared the winner and no other rounds would be necessary. Continue reading About Ballot Question 2​


By Bob Katzen

A law that placed a moratorium on most residential, commercial and nonprofit evictions and foreclosures until October 17 has expired. The expired law allowed for emergency for cause evictions that involve allegations of criminal activity or lease violations that are “detrimental to the health or safety of other residents, health care workers, emergency personnel or the general public.” Continue reading MORATORIUM ON EVICTIONS AND FORECLOSURES EXPIRES


By Bob Katzen

Governor Baker filed a revised version of the fiscal 2021 state budget with a price tag of $45.5 million which is 3.8 percent more than the original budget he filed in January. Since the beginning of the fiscal year began on July 1, the state has been operating on interim monthly budgets approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor.


No City-Sponsored or Permitted Halloween Events Allowed in Somerville due to Pandemic

Residents Urged to Substitute Safer Activities for Higher-Risk Traditional Trick-or-Treating

Social distancing, face coverings, and hand washing remain vital to slowing the spread of COVID-19

SOMERVILLE, MA – As part of the City’s ongoing response to the
COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the Somerville Board of Health announced Halloween guidance and related updates today. They strongly urge all community members to forgo trick-or-treating in favor of lower-risk activities as defined by the Centers for Disease Control such as at-home activities and holiday crafts. Continue reading No City-Sponsored or Permitted Halloween Events Allowed in Somerville due to Pandemic

Letter from the Editor:Crickets on Somerville Church Playground Stabbing

By William Tauro

Why isn’t anybody reporting about the double stabbing that occurred at the playground that’s located near the Saint Benedict’s Parish this past Thursday afternoon? Why is everyone being so hush-hush at City Hall, the Somerville City Council and at the Somerville Police Station about it? Continue reading Letter from the Editor:Crickets on Somerville Church Playground Stabbing