Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Why is the Penis wielding Somerville Police Sargent Who’s on the Brady List Still on Payroll and Holding Two Trusted Positions?

  1. Why is the Penis wielding Somerville Police Sargent Keily still the active treasurer of the Massachusetts Police Association and is the Somerville Police representative on the executive board? I wonder what he has on Mayor Joe and the chief? More Intel coming  soon!

Continue reading Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Why is the Penis wielding Somerville Police Sargent Who’s on the Brady List Still on Payroll and Holding Two Trusted Positions?

Somerville Shared Streets Joke is Over, Now to Ignore Them

By Aurther Moore

This city just keeps doing more and more stupid things that are senseless. They took a program like shared streets and turned it into a nightmare. So many of the streets they are designating as a shared street have no business being named one. They are running around tossing these stupid horses up everywhere. Continue reading Somerville Shared Streets Joke is Over, Now to Ignore Them