Letter from the Editor:Somerville’s Magoun Square Gets a Facelift at Taxpayers Expense Again

Photos by William Tauro

Live from the Somerville/Medford News Weekly “Eye in the Sky”

By William Tauro

This is your hard earned tax dollars carelessly at work in Magoun Square in Somerville this past Saturday morning! This stunt is probably costing the taxpayers of Somerville about $1000 an hour just for police details alone where the officers were forced into doing this detail. Continue reading Letter from the Editor:Somerville’s Magoun Square Gets a Facelift at Taxpayers Expense Again

Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:The Mayor’s Message to the People Causing Uprest Enticing More Unneeded Problems

Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

Off the record:I was just trying checking out the credibility of this message that was supposedly sent out by Joe Curtatone on Wednesday to all parents of Somerville students, but unfortunately I confirmed that it’s 100% accurate and true! Totally disrespectful to our law-enforcement and community!
Continue reading Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:The Mayor’s Message to the People Causing Uprest Enticing More Unneeded Problems