Exodus, the Somerville Version

By Arthur Moore

Over the last few weeks a number of people have contacted me about their making plans to move out of Somerville. The silliness this city has done in the last year is the last straw for putting up with the stupidity of the city catering to 5% of the people and making life miserable for the rest of us. Some of these people bought their house when it was new a very long time ago and planned a lifelong plan of living here until the end. Continue reading Exodus, the Somerville Version

Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville City Councilor Bill White Allowing Tufts University to Steamroll Right Over Him Operating Without a License

Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

It’s like Somerville City Councilor Bill White is heavily buttering his toast and desperately trying to hook up with Tufts University possibly for a lucrative job with the university.

Bill White the councilor the chairs license and permits is generously giving Tufts University a free pass for some reason or other. Continue reading Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville City Councilor Bill White Allowing Tufts University to Steamroll Right Over Him Operating Without a License