Letter from the Editor:Don’t Let Our Local Elected Officials Repeal the Provisions of Chapter 327 of the Acts of 2004-An Act Relative to Public Safty in the City of Somerville

By William Tauro

Over twenty years ago, around the time that a wheelchair bound young girl was brutally raped at Foss Park by members of MS13 gang members, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a gang ordinance at the request of Somerville elected officials (Real Elected Officials that truly cared about Somerville Residents at the time) and here we are now twenty years later our current state representatives along with the support of the new mayor and city Council are here to repeal it.

Voice your opinion and let your voices be heard and don’t let this ridiculous and horrific ordinance change pass! Speak up to your elected officials before it’s too late!

Review repeal request: https://malegislature.gov/bills/192/S1596

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