By Bob Katzen

“People living in environmental justice communities, including those in my district, are disproportionately exposed to toxins, and face an increased risk of asthma due to unjust housing policies, proximity to transportation emission hotspots and lack of good infrastructure.”

— Rep. Christine Barber (D-Somerville) on her legislation (H 2230) that would provide for clean air protections and legislation for working families and communities of color.

“Parents want to keep their kids safe, but they can’t act on what they don’t know. It is outrageous that manufacturers have lied to consumers by adding PFAS to products and then labelling them ‘green’ or ‘nontoxic.’”
— Elizabeth Saunders, Massachusetts Director at Clean Water Action, on how widespread per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are in children’s products, including clothes, bedding and furnishings.

“Sorry, we can’t have this. We can’t have this in here. Thank you for your support, but we can’t have this in here.”
—Sen. Will Brownsberger (D-Belmont), presiding over the Senate debate on driver’s licenses for undocumented/illegal immigrants, when observers in the gallery broke out into thunderous applause and cheers following passage of the bill.

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