William “Billy” Tauro Somerville Mayoral Candidate Announcement

Many of you have requested, pleaded, and dropped many subtle hints over the last few years. I have considered all the issues carefully,and recently made a serious committed decision. As someone who has spent my life involved in the city since the age of 5, I have invested much into the community. My family has established business commerce for over 55 years. I cannot sit back any longer and watch our community consume itself.

I will officially be drawing up papers in the upcoming Spring seeking the office of Mayor of Somerville.
This serves as my official announcement and a larger platform, to engage against the corruption that has overtaken our city for so many years.

My intentions are to end the corrupt ways which has turned historical Somerville into an almost unrecognizable place from the fond memories of youth. I plan to focus on preserving the natural beautification before it is overcome with high rise buildings. Addressing our general health and safety throughout our city streets especially concerning rodent issues.
Neglecting our proud heritage and overtaxing our families has to change. My platform will outline a number of changes that will benefit the people. Seniors still living on their own deserve more assistance with taxes and everyday affairs. I have a plan put together which will provide them with better benefits as they continue their independence. Budget issue expenditures, will have much more spending efficiency with the city funds. Also, I am in favor and strong support of term limits to assure that this will not carry over for periods longer than past practices. I firmly believe the Civil Service process should be restored to the Chief of Police position to keep an honest accord. Veterans benefits will no longer be discriminated against as in past dealings because of their color or race. As I see us, on the edge of upcoming concerning business shutdowns throughout , I will be allowing tax breaks for all local business owners with financial considerations, and support, to ensure a strong business future. Commerce will continue without overtaxing and fees. I plan on addressing the current sewage issues with flooding as well as the city projects involving permit delays. An Open Door policy in the Mayors office will open once again and welcome feedback as well as new concepts and ideas for local programs, commerce, and extracurricular activities involving all ages. This policy will allow every citizen to be properly represented as the true politician definition was set up to be in the beginning. These are a few of the major topics I will be addressing in the upcoming months in an open page in the Somerville News Weekly.
If you would like to contribute some of your time to assist in our campaign, or provide facts to assist me in ending the corruption, please feel free to contact myself directly or my Committee. Once my tasks are complete, I will, with Hope, leave behind a legacy and a clear path for the future of all to embrace and use as a proper guideline. I will be asking you to cast your vote in the upcoming election next November 2021.
Somerville families have stood together in the past and I intend on restoring that belief. I have confidence in knowing I will fight hard for you and your families. I will drive out the corruption that has changed our way of living and direction. I will stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I am anxiously looking forward to meeting you and listening to your stories and concerns. You can reach out to me directly through email at Wmtauro@aol.com
Look for me on the campaign trail in the upcoming months. For now, stay safe, and keep good thoughts as a better future awaits us all. Enjoy your Holidays!

William “Billy” Tauro
Candidate for Mayor

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