Letter from the Editor:Crickets on Somerville Church Playground Stabbing

By William Tauro

Why isn’t anybody reporting about the double stabbing that occurred at the playground that’s located near the Saint Benedict’s Parish this past Thursday afternoon? Why is everyone being so hush-hush at City Hall, the Somerville City Council and at the Somerville Police Station about it?

Are they trying to keep this situation hush-hush for a reason that a stabbing occurred early this past Thursday afternoon at 4:00PM? We didn’t even hear about that the perpetrators didn’t commit this violent crime with just one knife, but in fact three knives were recovered at the scene and one person was rushed to the hospital with stab wounds.

So why isn’t Somerville City Hall, the Somerville City Councilors, nor the Somerville Police Department putting it out there to let the media and/or the public know about it?

Maybe because the mayor doesn’t want to report it due to the fact that I’m running against him during the next voting cycle in 2021? Maybe it has to do something with the fact that the mayor is scared to lose to me and because he wants to run for Attorney General in 2022? Maybe it has to do with the fact that one of the clueless city councilors or nosebleed state reps or no-clue senators in this “non-violent/No crime city” might want to run for mayor themselves to paint a rosy picture of a Mayberry RFD type of town? These elected officials are part of the problem because they let all this continue to happen throughout the years.

That’s probably why you never see any more police reports in the newspaper because your current elected officials are not allowing them being sent out by the police department but instead keeping them hush-hush to the public? Are they trying to make the public and developers think it’s a crime free city?

Hiding something like this from the media as well as from the public in Somerville is just not acceptable! Remember next November!

That’s why it’s time for change in Somerville!

3 thoughts on “Letter from the Editor:Crickets on Somerville Church Playground Stabbing”

  1. The Mayor media mogul Joe and camp Councilor Jessie are so weak in thier job representing the residents in the neighborhoods where all the crimes are occuring.
    They both forget morals and where they grew up abandoning the folks they once were true neighbors to just for re-electability and image.
    The tide goes in along the river and hopefully it will go out in 2021.
    They both should start the apllication process on their next job.

  2. Do not forget about the gun activity occurring on a regular basis in the area of the Mystic housing and St Polycarps site. The residents need to know to be safe in their own neighborhood.

  3. Stabbing? Sounds more like you need to be checking with is sister on this. She seems like an expert on having a stabbing gone missing. Yup, underage drinking party complete with stabbing. Nothing happening here yet.

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