The Somerville/Medford News Weekly Favorite Birthday Photos of the Week

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Happy Birthday to a number of Villens celebrating their birthdays this week in the Ville and around the Square! Happy Birthday to Jack Craven, Tracy Bates Henry, Lisa Sperlinga, Tommy Smith, Uncle Bob, Barbara DeBerio Carli, Joe Jorge, Marsh James, Cheryl Jandreau Shea, Bill Morris, Corey Clough, Claudette Beerman-Allen, Eric Carnazzo, Karen Versackas, Dan Panico, Dave Condon, Jerrilyn Denise Mitrano, Antony Cota, Hennifer Donovan Tauro, Robert Peixinho, Thomas McCarthy, Sue Casey, Mary C Roccio, M.C. Belkner, Robert O’Loughlin, Kevin O’Connor, Sandra Coppola, Laiza C. Collier, Marie O’Connor Clifford, Mina Vicas, Jessica Veliz,Tony Rennell, Ralph Battista, Jennifer M. doyle, John O’Connell, George Finnegan,

Diana Szeto, Maura Mccaffrey-Lewis, Edward Cameron, Sharon Estes Ployer, Courtney Nelson, Jewel Borges, Phil Chisholm, John Albani, Ned Scannell, Lucy Catino, Craig Churchill, Alice Trifone, Julianne Splaine Killin, Mike Byrne-Z, Byrne Lock, Sally Addison, Loric Colene, Lori Connolly, John Dwyer, Susan Laverde DeMarco, Ginny Azulay Roche, Kimberly A Sandeffer, RJ Pefine, Kristy Ann Marques, Kevin Mullane, Charles Macmillan, Paula Parillo Sheehan, Carol Hurley, Joe Vasconcelos, Denise Lefebvre Ribeiro, Jim Riderick, Kate Donaghue, Happy 15th Birthday to Samantha Tauro, Happy 22nd Birthday to Daniel Bussey, Happy 21st Birthday to Olivia Valente, Happy 17th Birthday Ellie Maxwell (Ellie Bean), Happy 80th Birthday to Nona Fedele and Happy 81st Birthday to Mr. Eori

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