Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Julio ROLON-LOPEZ (Unlicensed Op MV, Use MV w/o Authority)

I was on duty in full police uniform and assigned to a marked cruiser.   Right after I cleared from an assistance call on Powderhouse Blvd, I proceeded couple blocks away on North Street to assist my colleagues on a motor vehicle stop.  North Street is a public way in the City of Somerville MA.

On arrival, there were several Somerville Officers on scene, including the Street Supervisor, Sergeant Michael Perrone.

I learned from my colleagues that the motor vehicle stop entails to that, the operator of the vehicle, Mr. Julio Rolon-Perez, used the vehicle without consent from its owner, he subsequently failed to stop for two Somerville police officers that signaled him to stop for a length of almost three blocks and he was unduly licensed to operate a motor vehicle on a public way.

I had a brief conversation with Mr. Julio Rolon-Perez.  He admitted to me that he took his girlfriend’s car for a ride and used it without her consent. He also told me that he was unlicensed.  At first he was willingly talking to me, but a while later, he became rude and belligerent towards me.  He showed no guilt or remorse for his actions.

I confirmed through XXXXX, the registered owner of the vehicle, that Julio took the car keys by force from her and used the car without her consent, but she was unwilling to press charges against him.

XXXXX took back possession of the vehicle.

I placed Mr. Julio Rolon-Lopez under arrest for unlicensed operation, failure to stop for police and using a motor vehicle without authority.  He was issued a motor vehicle citation # R7096163 for the mentioned charges.

He was transported to Headquarters for booking via the wagon. A supplemental report from Sgt. Perrone is attached to my report.

Respectfully, Officer Wolff Berrouet #220

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