Real Life Somerville Police Stories:Antonio VEGA (Intimidate Witness, Threat to Commit Crime & Boston Warrants)

On Friday, October 28th, 2016, I Officer Devin Schneider, was in full uniform while assigned to the Assembly Square unit. The following report is a summary of the events that I witnessed, as they pertain to incident #16068620:


At approximately 7:55 pm I was assisting Officer Joseph Teves with the booking process of Antonio Vega. I had arrested Mr. Vega earlier on multiple warrants after he had shoplifted at TJ Maxx in Somerville. Officer Teves and I were in the finger printing room when Mr. Vega stated to me that he would see me around after he got out. I asked Mr. Vega to elaborate on what he meant by that. Mr. Vega the stated that Police Officers were getting “killed” in the streets every day.


I believe that Mr. Vega’s statement was a threat directed at me, implying that he would find and kill me after he was released from incarceration. Based on this statement, I am charging Mr. Vega with Intimidation of a witness, and Threats to Commit a Crime.


Respectfully submitted,


Officer Devin Schneider

Badge #295


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