Real Life Somerville Police Stories:Open container and receiving stolen merchandise arrest



On 10/23/2015 I was present in the E911 Dispatch area and overheard a call for assistance from a XXXXX of Rossmore Street, for a suspect whom he was going to meet at his residence to sell his bicycle back to him for $40. XXXXX was alleging that this bicycle was stolen from him by this same suspect on 10/17 and that it was reported to police. 


Upon my arrival I observed Melvin Knight standing on the front porch of Rossmore Street talking on his cell phone. Leaning against the fence at the curtilage of this property was the stolen Giant Rincon bicycle belonging to XXXXX. I notified headquarters for back-up. The owner, XXXXX, entered onto the front porch and while awaiting back-up I ordered Mr. Knight to walk to the front of the property to keep the parties separated as they appeared to know each other. As I was conversing with Mr. Knight he unscrewed the cap of a half full 40 ounce Budweiser Natural Light beer bottle and drank from it. I had already identified myself as a police officer as per department regulations. I asked Mr. Knight to screw the cap back onto the bottle and I retrieved it from him placing it out of lunging distance. After arrival of back-up I had XXXXX exit the porch and upon examination he identified the bicycle as the same one he had reported stolen on 10/17. Mr. Dickson showed me several texts addressed to his phone allegedly from Mr. Knight. It was determined by me that there was a dispute between the owner and defendant over monies owed to Mr. Knight by XXXXX. He also stated he has not seen the bicycle since he reported it stolen. Mr. Knight made several spontaneous utterances regarding using the bicycle as a means to retrieve the rest of the money that was owed to him.


The defendant, Mr. Knight, was placed under arrest for possessing an open container in public in violation of Somerville City Ordinance section 9-1. I also charged him with Receiving Stolen Property, for his possessing of XXXXX’s bicycle which was under his immediate control. Although this bicycle has a value of over $250 XXXXX reported to me that he acquired this bicycle for less than its fair market value. (END).


Det. Sgt. J. Macarelli


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