Real Life Somerville Police Stories; Larceny Over $250


On around 0225 hours on 10/22/2015, and along with East 3 (OFC Sousa), I was dispatched to 20 Charlestown St for dispute. Prior to being dispatched to 20 Charlestown St, during roll call, the commander disseminated information of an incident, which had occurred late evening on 10/21/2015 regarding individuals who reside at 20 Charlestown St. There had been a fight involving three males, which left one victim badly, beaten and eventually, transported with face and head injuries to the hospital. The victim had also being strangled to the point of becoming unconscious. The suspects had left the area, prior to police arrival and the victims and witnesses were advised.

Upon my arrival to 20 Charlestown St, I was met with reporting party, XXXXX and her partner, YYYYY. XXXXX and YYYYY were involved in the incident on 10/21/2015. YYYYY was the victim who was transported to the hospital with the face and head injuries.

XXXXX stated, she resides at 20 Charlestown St and she was able to produce the keys to the apartment. XXXXX also said Teresa Paribello, who subsided to XXXXX living space at 20 Charlestown St, told her to leave along with YYYYY, who was just released from the hospital. Furthermore, XXXXX and YYYYY said, one of the suspects from the prior incident, was also inside 20 Charlestown St. XXXXX gave us consent to enter the apartment and explained, which keys to use to open the door. When we made entry to the unit, we were met by Teresa Paribello and Richard McDonald. Richard McDonald was one of the suspects involved in the incident prior that left YYYYY badly, beaten. Having probable cause from the incident prior, Mr McDonald was placed under arrest and transported to the Somerville Police Headquarters to be booked and finger printed.


Respectfully submitted,


OFC Ramirez, Jose #259

Somerville Police Dept.



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