Real Life Somerville Police Stories


Moan Arrest

I, Officer Joseph S. Teves, was working in full uniform and assigned to marked unit East 4. At approximately 8:53 PM. I was dispatched to Temple Street For an alleged fight involving upwards of 30 people. while in transit Units West 6
(Officer Perrone), East 3 ( Officer Pasqualino), East 1 (Officer Pavao) and Unit 93 (Housing police, consisting of Officer Michael Cabral Jr. and Officer D’Amelio). were also dispatched. upon arrival there was an over abundance of people in the immediate area ranging from individuals that lived in the housing development , as well as people who lived on Temple Street that were out on their front porch watching the commotion as it unfolded .As all the officers involved were trying to get the disturbance under control I noticed Officer Michael Cabral Jr. walking towards me with a young black male in custody, this individual would be identified as Filsdym Modan. Modan will be referred to as the defendant hereinafter. I would also like to note that at this time Street supervisor Sgt. Macarelli also arrived on location.

Officer Cabral Jr. stated that the defendant was identified as the primary aggressor in a fight that had just taken place. I asked about the other party involved. I was informed that the other party had fled the area just after our arrival. and that he could not be identified. I was also informed that once the defendant was placed into custody by Officer Cabral Jr. he was searched. This search yielded a small bottle of an alcoholic beverage ( Nip). Based on the fact that the defendant who is not 21 was in possession of alcohol, and the amount of commotion that was caused by the altercation that the defendant had with the unidentified party the defendant was placed under arrest for the following charges.

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