By Bob Katzen

“We have … more support in the Statehouse in both bodies than we’ve ever had before, and I can tell you as someone who works in other states as well, we have the most support in any Legislature that we’ve ever seen across the country. We really feel like now is the time and this is the session to do it.”

— Melissa Stacy, Northeast regional advocacy manager for Compassion and Choices, on the future of the “Right to Die” bill allowing terminally ill patients to request and receive medication to end their lives.

“Students across the commonwealth were significantly impacted by the disruption to their learning and their social and emotional well-being caused by COVID-19, and it is imperative that we continue to provide the resources and support they need to thrive. We are pleased to be able to again provide this funding, and we are grateful to the community and educational partners statewide who will take advantage of these opportunities and greatly benefit the commonwealth’s children.”
—Gov. Charlie Baker announcing nearly $60 million in state and federal funding is now available to school districts and community organizations to offer summer learning and recreational programs designed to help students grow academically and socially.

“No matter what the time of year, we find that young people love and get so inspired taking on the role of U.S. senators and learning—by doing—about the researching, thinking, debating and compromising that go into producing legislation. Over and over again, we hear from our students who come in-person what an exciting and unforgettable experience it was to be right there on what looks and feels exactly like the floor of the United States Senate in Washington.”
— Caroline Angel Burke, Vice President of Education, Visitor Experience, and Collections at the Kennedy Institute, on its “Senator for a Day” interactive civic education programs for K-12 students.

“Anyone who’s been traveling into Boston on any of the roadways into the city will know and attest to the fact that traffic is almost back. I don’t know if that’s necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.”
— MassDOT Chief Financial Officer David Pottier

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