By Bob Katzen

A proposal that would establish a statewide Adopt-A-Senior volunteer program to assist seniors with snow removal and property or home maintenance services received a favorable report from the Elder Affairs Committee back on December 20, 2021 but has been languishing in the Senate Ways and Means Committee since that time. Provisions include creation of a registry of volunteers to match and place volunteers with seniors within their community.

“The commonwealth’s seniors need support with things that many younger, able people would happily donate their time to provide,” said sponsor Sen. Mike Rush (D-Boston). “Connecting the people who need assistance with those who are willing to provide it is a no-brainer.”

“I have always felt that volunteers make a community stronger,” said Rep. Brian Ashe (D-Longmeadow). “There are many older residents who deserve to stay in their home but are no longer able to do all the maintenance that comes along with owning a home. Hiring someone can be difficult and too expensive on a fixed income. The Adopt-A-Senior program will allow seniors of any community access to the assistance they need while promoting community service—a win-win for everyone.”

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