Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line: This city is doing everything in their power to screw up the streets for drivers.

Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

I went down Morrison yesterday 5/3, the idiot speed bumps are still there. Even at 10 mph they are bad. This city is doing everything in their power to screw up the streets for drivers. Take a look at the Historic Powder House Circle, about 215 white posts and about 35 yellow posts. Dozens and dozens on Shore Drive.

They are going to need a new department in the city, Department Of Post Engineering (DOPE) pretty soon. Go to the planning board for someone to run it, there is no shortage of DOPE Engineers. Bus and Bike lanes are taking over the city. Anyone riding a bike in the city should be made to Register it and get a little plate like they used to have and pay an excise tax. Cars have to pay to use the streets why shouldn’t Bikes, what’s fair is fair!!! I live on Broadway and can tell you that the Bus and Bike lanes are totally underused, what a waste! Going down Broadway sitting in traffic and the right lane is completely empty all the way to McGrath Highway. The same coming up from McGrath. They built a beautiful new building on the corner of Temple Street and the first thing the Dope Dept. does is take away all the parking and put in the POSTS. Sorry for rambling on but they have taken away the city I was born in and grew up in.

One thought on “Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line: This city is doing everything in their power to screw up the streets for drivers.”

  1. They’re doing it on purpose as part of Agenda 2030. They want to make it so inconvenient for drivers that they get frustrated enough to stop driving and ride a bike or take public transportation instead. They don’t care about the elderly, disabled, etc. The City has a specific agenda and it’s not good.

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