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GOOD MORNING – TODAY IS SATURDAY, April 24, the 114th day of 2021 with 251 to follow. Sunrise in the Boston area is @ 5:49 and sunset is @ 7:35 EDT. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mars, Saturn and Venus. Evening stars are Mars, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus.

ON THIS DAY IN: 1519 – Envoys of Montezuma II attended the first Easter mass in Central America.

1547 – Charles V’s troops defeated the Protestant League of Schmalkalden at the battle of Muhlburg.

1558 – Mary, Queen of Scotland, married the French dauphin, Francis.

1800 – The Library of Congress was established with a $5,000 allocation.

1805 – The U.S. Marines attacked and captured the town of Derna in Tripoli.

1833 – A patent was granted for first soda fountain.

1877 – Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire.

1877 – In the U.S., federal troops were ordered out of New Orleans. This was the end to the North’s post-Civil War rule in the South.

1884 – Otto von Bismarck cabled Cape Town that South Africa was now a German colony.

1889 – The Edison General Electric Company was organized.

1897 – William Price became the first to be named White House news reporter.

1898 – Spain declared war on the U.S., rejecting America’s ultimatum for Spain to withdraw from Cuba.

1915 – During World War I, the Ottoman Turkish Empire began the mass deportation of Armenians.

1916 – Irish nationalist launched the Easter Rebellion against British occupation forces. They were overtaken several days later.

1944 – The first B-29 arrived in China, over the Hump of the Himalayas.

1952 – Raymond Burr made his TV acting debut on the “Gruen Guild Playhouse” in an episode titled, “The Tiger.”

1953 – Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

1955 – “X-Minus One,” a science fiction show, was first heard for the first time on NBC radio.

1961 – Sandy Koufax of the Los Angeles Dodgers struck out 18 batters becoming the first major-league pitcher to do so on two different occasions.

1961 – U.S. President Kennedy accepted “sole responsibility” following Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

1962 – MIT sent a TV signal by satellite for the first time.

1967 – Soviet astronaut Vladimir Komarov died when his craft crashed with a tangled parachute.

1967 – The newest Greek regime banned miniskirts.

1970 – The People’s Republic of China launched its first satellite.

1973 – Albert Sabin reported that herpesviruses were factors in nine kinds of cancer.

1974 – David Bowie released “Diamond Dogs.”

1989 – Thousands of students began striking in Beijing.

1990 – The space shuttle Discovery blasted off from Cape Canaveral, FL. It was carrying the $1.5 billion Hubble Space Telescope.

1997 – The U.S. Senate ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. The global treaty banned the development, production, storage and use of chemical weapons.

2000 – ABC-TV aired the TV movie “The Three Stooges.”

2003 – A U.S. official reported the North Korea had claimed to have nuclear weapons.

2015 – The Nasdaq Composite closed at a record high of 5092.09.

2015 – The S&P closed at a record high of 2117.69.

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