The Somerville Mayoral Check List

By William Tauro

Besides you Ward 7 City Councilor Katjana Ballantyne helping your husband extort multiple properties from Somerville property owners and besides you City Councilor-At-Large Wilfred N. Mbah using city owned property and city employees for your own personal use to take care of your plowing needs on the taxpayers dime while playing the race card, where have you both been for the past five years and especially during your off seasons of your election campaigns?

What have you both done for our Somerville Seniors for the past five years?

What have you both done for our Somerville Veterans for the past five years?

What have you both done to restore the valuable parking spaces that you and your co-councilors have taken away from the people of Somerville for the past five years?

What have you both done to help our struggling Somerville business community to recover from the year long pandemic instead of keeping them closed to this very day and still at 25%?

What have you both done to protect property owner’s rights in the city of Somerville for the past five years?

What have you both done to help out the homeless population for the past five years?

What have you both done to help out the parents of special-needs as well as for the special needs children of this city for the past five years?

Why haven’t neither one of you ever answered any of my calls of the corruption that has taken place against the taxpayer’s over the past five years in Somerville?

Where were you both when the mayor and Sean the former Somerville Alderman/attorney/business developer was taking citizen’s properties by eminent domain for their own personal gain for the past five years?

Where were you with any outcry for the parents of the over 400 children and the victims that attended Mayor Joe Curtatone’s sister Register of Deeds Maria Curtatone’s illegal Drunkfest where she provided alcohol to minors for the past three years?

Where were you both when I reported you about the DPW Overtime Scandal where appointed thugs of the mayor got away with hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in overtime and city of Somerville materials for the past five years?

Where were you both when homeless veterans and citizens were sleeping across the city and behind the Veteran’s Cemetery at Clarendon Hill exposed out in the elements homeless for the past five years?

Where were you during the Deanna Cremin‘s botched investigation after new evidence surfaced for the past five years?

Where were you for all the botched investigations from Somerville Police Captain Dan Cotter took over the police department for the past five years?

Where were you to protect the dozens and dozens of police and fire department candidates that were on municipal hiring lists who were illegally bumped off the municipal hiring lists multiple times for political favors for personal gain by the mayor and the corrupt former police command staff members for the past five years?

Where were both of you for the past five years when the mayor was trying to conveniently sneak in the penis wielding Police Officer Mike Kiely and promote him to Lieutenant after he placed his penis on a school copy machine and then emailed it out on an elementary school computer?

Where were you both when Cambridge Health Alliance Vice President Mary Cassesso‘s husband Peter Miller aka the Crooked Developor aided the mayor in taking dozens of Somerville citizen’s properties including the family owned Ball Square Bowling Alley by eminent domain for their own personal gain for the past five years?

Where were you both while our Somerville Fire Department fire apparatuses were rotting away under-maintained and under funded forthe past five years?

Where were you both in the planning of the zero-parking situation for the new Somerville High School for the past five years?

Where were you both during any Somerville fires especially where families got displaced for the past five years?

The answer to all of these questions for you both is that you both were part of the problem aiding, covering it up and both nowhere at all to be found and now you both want to run for mayor! Disgraceful!

All that I know is that I was front and center advocating full time against these criminal acts and political appointed thugs for the past decade while you two both sat on your hands and became part of the problem!

I dare you both to debate me!

It’s time for change! #TEAMTAUROforMAYOR2021

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