Somerville City Council Backdoor Deals Still Exist and Stronger Than Ever Deceiving Taxpayers

By William Tauro 

This was a great point raised that is posted on a former Somerville mayoral candidate’s Facebook page and I had to share it! What’s wrong with this picture?

“It’s come to my attention that corporate interests in the City of Somerville have been working behind the scenes to overturn a recent committee vote and get the City Council to vote to approve the appointment of an out of town Healthcare Executive and “HR Professional” to the Jobs Creation and Retention Trust Fund.

The Somerville Municipal Job Creation and Retention Trust Fund is a trust that was established to assist in the creation and maintenance of employment opportunities within the City of Somerville for the residents of Somerville.

The Activists in the community who fought for many years to make this trust fund a reality did so with a focus on workers, not to further the interests of corporations and management.

If you’re a Somerville Resident please consider contacting your City Councillor or the entire City Council and ask them to respect the vote of the committee and to stand with workers not corporate interests. “

Her name is Coleen Moran. They ended up voting to approve her 7-3.

It’s time for change in Somerville! #TEAMTAUROforMAYOR2021

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