Good Times Are Returning Once Again For Our Lovely Somerville Seniors and Veterans

By William Tauro

How many of you remember the good times that we spent together as a family of friends, once every month, for many years and for every holiday and festive occasion throwing an event for our lovely Somerville seniors and veterans at the Somerville Winter Hill Yacht Club?

We hosted these monthly events as volunteers for many years at our expense, free of charge asking nothing in return from anyone or anybody. These events were for the seniors who had the best times of all! Somerville Council on Aging Director Cindy Hickey and the Somerville Council on Aging would always coordinate with us to make sure the seniors and the veterans would have the very best of the best when it came time for them to visit us at the club on Somerville’s waterfront. It was always a fun day for the seniors who enjoyed themselves tremendously as they always looked forward to attending our events!

All this suddenly came to an abrupt stop in late 2017 when the guy in the corner office up at Somerville City Hall, not to mention names (Mayor Joe) selfishly halted these events in fear that the seniors were reading the truth about him in my news articles while at the same time trying to keep them away from me like they weren’t already reading my Somerville News Weekly newspaper articles already on their own.

But these fun times will return once again this coming year when all these new Covid19 restrictions are lifted with a full lineup scheduled senior and veteran events throughout the year for our seniors and veterans to enjoy themselves on me and the great people of the Somerville Winter Hill Yacht Club!

#TEAMTAUROforMAYOR2021 #SeniorsandVeteransMatter #StopSensorshipFreedomOfSpeech

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