Letter from the Editor:Somerville Fire, 13 Family Members Displaced, No sign of Anybody From Mayor’s Office

By William Tauro

I’m at that house fire on Heath Street this past Friday afternoon and 13 people, all families with little children displaced  because of the fire and not one person from the mayors office here to help them! It’s totally unacceptable!

To contribute to the victims of the Heath Street fire you can make your donation check payable to the American Red Cross/Heath Street Fire Victims

Mail to: Billy Tauro/Somerville News Weekly/American Red Cross for Heath Street Fire Victims PO Box 117, Somerville Ma 02143 Box 117, Somerville Ma 02143

2 thoughts on “Letter from the Editor:Somerville Fire, 13 Family Members Displaced, No sign of Anybody From Mayor’s Office”

  1. Unless you have been sitting under a rock for the past 18 years, it is well known that this mayor and his crooked posse are nothing but soulless vampires who feed off innocent lives. Eventually, it will all be exposed. The more people they betray, toss out of jobs, steal their homes, ruin their families, the people will rise up and fight back. He’s losing his stronghold on his employees with them out of the office all this time. Hopefully, this time will give them courage to rise up and expose the 18 years of corruption going on here. The DPW, SPD and City Hall need a cleaning and auditing, as well as most councilors who have betrayed us. They can run to other towns, but they cannot hide. Medford has already spoken at their meetings about it. They have learned through our own sacrifices and ignorance of what this mayor has been doing behind our backs.

  2. You don’t see anyone form the mayor’s office or any local officials as we no longer have those kind of people in office here anymore. You know, the ones that care. Not until we make drastic changes in city hall in 2021.

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