Somerville Gets Rid of Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Community Work Program (CWP) A Much Sought After Program

By Arthur Moore

Somerville Ward 2 Councilor J.T. Scott decided for us that this program which is voluntary which is much sought after and used in many communities that we should not have it here. This is a great program which has saved many cities money. After all we the taxpayers have to pay a lot of money to keep these prisoners incarcerated.

So with this we get some payback. We are not torturing these prisoners, they volunteer. The city supplies the materials and lunch. You would think that saving money we could put these savings back into the community where needed. This has been a great program and still is. And to make matters worse the rest of the council backed him up and voted for it. So now we won’t be part of a great program that works.

With hard times now and in front of us we can use all the help we can get. Never mind the people who are supposed to represent are deciding for us things that most likely none of us would want to happen.

Election 2021 is fast approaching and it will be the first chance in many years for the people to take Somerville back. We can’t have a council that works in opposition to what we the taxpayers want. We need to change the council. We most likely be replacing the mayor which is so long overdue and with such high numbers in the polls to start with that there will be change. And so far to my knowledge two of the council members.

I would think that people who want to save this city would now jump into the races as this is the right time. These policy decisions and others are not helping this city. So any common sense people need apply, let’s get this city back on track and try to save what is left of it.

Article Describing CWP Program:

Sheriff Koutoujian, Mayor Christenson visit CWP crew at Forest Dale Cemetery

MALDEN, Mass. – Middlesex Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian and Mayor Gary Christenson met with inmates assigned to the Sheriff’s Community Work Program (CWP) on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.   The three-member crew repositioned fallen headstones and landscaped the grounds of the Forest Dale Cemetery in advance of Memorial Day.
“It was great to visit Forest Dale Cemetery and see the work being done by our crew,” said Sheriff Koutoujian.  “This is a tremendous way for our inmates to give back to the community, and get into the routine of working every day prior to their release.”
CWP crews are comprised of supervised teams of three to five inmates nearing the completion of their sentences.  They conduct painting, cleanup and other projects under the direct and constant supervision of a correction officer.  All inmates have successfully completed individualized treatment plans (which may include substance abuse, educational/ vocational and other programming) and have been screened and approved for participation.
“We can no longer do this work alone,” said Mayor Christenson. “And so to have the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office led by Sheriff Koutoujian here to help us will go a long way in preparing the cemetery for Memorial Day.”
The MSO Community Work Program is provided at minimal costs to towns throughout Middlesex County.  Already this year crews have completed work in Malden, Medford, Melrose, Somerville, Stoneham, Wakefield and twenty-one other communities.

One thought on “Somerville Gets Rid of Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Community Work Program (CWP) A Much Sought After Program”

  1. Hey Arthur…..ask Koutoujian how much the janitorial company that trains the inmates on this program donated to his campaign…and then got a $500,000 a kickback contract to handle the Sheriff’s Dept laundry and building’s cleaning.

    Ask Koutoujian how that janitorial company trained the inmates wrong, sprayed toxic chemicals improperly for years in the Billerica House of Corrections and got me severely sick.

    Ask him if I’m the guy who figured it out and informed his administration of the situation so to fix it, so that no one else would get sick and in turn they destroyed my career.

    Ask the Dept of labor who went into the Billerica House of Corrections and verified everything I just stated….

    If they were spraying this stuff in the Billerica House of Corrections, where else across the state were they? Public buildings? Public schools?

    Ask the owner of that janitorial company, why is it after they use the inmates for clean up jobs and makes koutoujian look good….he then makes donations to a a politician in that city they are doing clean up and somehow the company gets a kickback contract.

    Is it nice that inmates get training and clean up communities? Yes.

    But they should NOT be used to get politicians political contributions and good press and janitorial companies kick back contracts….

    If you want proof of my statements…feel free to contact me…its all public record.

    Henry Lima

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