By Bob Katzen

The state has launched a campaign designed to encourage people to have conversations with family and friends who may have mental health problems. The campaign aims to help people look beyond a person’s answers like “I’m fine” to recognize the signs that someone may be struggling with mental health issues and to offer support.

The campaign’s site https://www.mass.gov/there-could-be-more-to-the-story offers many resources and notes that you don’t have to be an expert to support a friend in a time of need.
“Mental health is just as essential as physical health,” notes the website. “Normalizing the conversation about mental health empowers people to talk and get the help they need.”
COVID-19 VACCINE ADVISORY GROUP – The Baker administration announced the creation of a COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group to advance its efforts to prepare to distribute a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine once it becomes available. The group, comprised of medical professionals, public health experts, elected officials, community leaders and infectious disease specialists will advise the administration, including the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the COVID-19 Command Center, on communication, distribution and equity issues relating to a COVID-19 vaccine.
Members include Dr. Paul Biddinger of Mass General Brigham; Sen. Cindy Friedman (D-Newton), chair of the Committee on Health Care Financing; Dr. Asif Merchant of the Mass Medical Society; Rev. Liz Walker of the Roxbury Presbyterian Church; and Dr. John Rocchio of CVS Health.


  1. This will really help in this situation. During covid, the situation with mental patients deteriorated dramatically. I know many people who for the first time in their lives during a pandemic understood what depression is. In my second month of quarantine, a constant anxiety just started and I had to go to a psychologist for the first time in my life. And I am glad that he helped me, because I myself would hardly have coped with this. Therefore, it’s cool that the topic of mental health is being talked about and it is relevant now. Thanks for this article to the author!

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