Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Luciano CASTRO (A&B, Open Container)

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019, while on full uniform patrol in marked unit 784, I(Officer Patrick Canty) was dispatched to XXX Broadway for a report of an assault on a 14 year old girl. Marked units 782(Officer Ruf), Bravo 1 (Officer Messaoudi), and Bravo 2( Officer Pavao) were dispatched as back up. Upon arrival, I met the victim, XXXX, who will be addressed as JV1 for the remainder of the report.

JV1 was visibly upset and crying. She was accompanied by her friends and her friends mother, XXXX. Ms. XXXX stated that they were in Foss Park conducting a memorial service for a deceased friend, when a Hispanic Male approached JV1 He then Grabbed her sweat shirt and demanded money from her. She then pointed at a male, identified as Luciano Castro, sitting on a light post near by and stated he is right there, we followed him. I then spoke with Jv one who stated that as she was walking with her friends, Castro approached her and asked for money in Spanish. She stated she told him no and continued to walk. JV1 stated Castro then grabbed her forcefully by her shirt and pulled her back towards him. He then stated give me money in Spanish and told her he needs money for the bus. JV1 stated she screamed for her friends and he started to walk away. JV1 and Ms. XXXX followed Castro across the street and waited for police to arrive.

I then approached Mr. Castro who only spoke Spanish. Officer Messaoudi was able to translate.He stated Castro continuously stated he didn’t touch anyone. Officer Messaoudi found Castro to be in possession of an open 750 ml bottle of Bacardi Rum. I informed Castro he was under arrest and he immediately tensed up. I attempted to hand cuff him and he pulled his arms away. I was able to put him in an escort position, and after several commands he complied. Officer Messaoudi informed him he was under arrest for Possession of Open Container as well as being charged with Assault and Battery.

I notified Jv1 father XXXX of the incident, and JV1 left in the care of Ms. XXXX.

Respectfully submitted,

Officer Patrick Canty 306

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