When confronted by police, defendant allegedly shot at officer

BOSTON – A Rhode Island man was arrested and charged today in federal court in Boston in connection with an armed bank robbery in Somerville on May 1, 2019, that resulted in shots fired.

Daniel Rosado, 32, of Providence, R.I., was charged with one count of armed bank robbery, one count of brandishing and discharging a firearm during a crime of violence, and one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Rosado will appear in federal court in Boston later today.

“Today’s arrest and charges put an end to a three week search for a dangerous and reckless individual,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling. “No one should feel afraid to do the everyday, basic American errands we all need to do. But on May 1, it’s alleged that one man callously threatened the lives of dozens of innocent people who were doing just that. By not just brandishing, but actually discharging his weapon – twice – the alleged defendant instilled fear and endangered the lives of members of our community for his own greed and selfishness. My office is committed to prosecuting violent individuals to the fullest extent of the law.”

“As alleged, Mr. Rosado terrorized bank employees, shot at a Somerville police officer, and put the lives of innocent bystanders at risk,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Office. “The FBI’s Violent Crimes Task Force is extremely grateful that we were able to apprehend him before anyone got hurt. Thanks to the extraordinary courage of a concerned citizen, who attempted to tackle Rosado, causing him to drop his backpack, we were able to determine his identity. This case demonstrates our commitment to bringing to justice those who commit violent acts against our fellow law enforcement officers and hard-working citizens.”

“I commend all the partner agencies involved in this investigation, and would like to recognize the MSP Troopers, our K9 teams and the Air Wing crew who took part in the initial search for the suspect, our Troopers who serve on the FBI’s Violent Crimes task force who assisted in the subsequent investigation, and our State Police Crime Lab personnel who helped develop forensic evidence vital to the identification of the suspect,” said Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police. “Their diligence and that of our federal and local law enforcement partners, and the partnership among our agencies, are why this case was solved.”

“I would like to thank our federal and state partners for their collaboration in this investigation,” said Somerville Police Chief David Fallon. “Violent acts, such as the one which took place on the morning of May 1, 2019, here in Somerville, recklessly endanger the lives of the public and the police. This investigation is a great example of collaboration between law enforcement agencies in our combined efforts to protect our communities.”

According to the charging document, on May 1, 2019, a man, later identified as Rosado, entered the Middlesex Federal Savings Bank in Somerville, brandished a handgun, fired a shot into the ceiling, and pointed the firearm at customers and bank employees. It is alleged that Rosado yelled: “Get down!”, “Everybody on the ground!”, “Second Drawer, Hurry Up!”, “Give me money or I’ll shoot!” Customers and bank employees laid on the floor, while the robber approached a teller window, threw a backpack at the teller, and demanded money.

While the teller filled the backpack with money, a customer exited the bank and flagged down a marked police cruiser occupied by a uniformed Somerville Police officer. The officer entered the bank, pointed his gun at the robber, and ordered him to freeze. In response, it is alleged that Rosado faced the officer, pointed his gun in the officer’s direction, and fired one shot. The officer shot back. During the exchange of gunfire, Rosado exited the bank and fled on foot, and the officer chased after him on foot.

According to the charging document, as Rosado fled down College Avenue, a bystander, noticing that Rosado was being pursued by a police officer, attempted to tackle Rosado, which caused Rosado to drop his backpack. Rosado kept running, and witnesses eventually lost sight of him.

Upon review of the backpack, law enforcement found a Webley revolver, loaded with four unfired rounds of ammunition, and two cartridge casings, as well as more than $500.

Further investigation, including forensic analysis of the backpack, linked the DNA profile found on the backpack to Rosado. A subsequent review of Rosado’s driver’s license photo matched the images of the robber captured on video surveillance at Middlesex Bank.
According to court records, Rosado has prior felony convictions, such as negligent operation of a motor vehicle, larceny from a person and witness intimidation, and assault by means of a dangerous weapon. Due to these prior convictions, Rosado is prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition.

The charge of armed bank robbery provides for a sentence of no greater than 25 years in prison, five years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000; the charge of brandishing and discharging a firearm during a crime of violence provides for a mandatory minimum seven year sentence for brandishing and a mandatory minimum 10 year sentence for discharging and up to life in prison, to be served consecutive to any other sentence imposed, and a fine of $250,000. The charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm provides for a sentence of no greater than 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

U.S. Attorney Lelling; FBI SAC Bonavolonta; Colonel Gilpin; and Somerville Police Chief Fallon made the announcement today. Valuable assistance was provided by the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island and the Providence (R.I.) Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Lindsey E. Weinstein of Lelling’s Major Crimes Unit is prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


  1. Amazing work by all the agencies involved especially the Mass State Police.

    I think the reward does belong in the hands of the bystander who knocked the back pack out of the hands of the robber.

    If that was not confiscated they may not have gotten the evidence needed to track the suspect down.

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