Top Reader Comments on Somerville 16 Year Older’s Being Allowed to Vote

Coming soon….kindergarten lunch boxes with Happy ballots… pin heads love them votes be it illegal, under age, prisoners…..where ever they can scrounge up some power….woo hoo
Does voting not require one to sign a contract of sorts? You have to sign your name to register. And if i am not mistaken is it not illegal for someone under the age of 18 to sign a contract? Since any type of binding documentation would also require the parent’s signature I can’t see how the council can do this legally.
I want them to lower the age of firearm ownership.
As soon as I heard the announcement yesterday, I said someone is feeling threatened. Might not be able to honestly win a reelection. Trying to find a way to bully more people to swing the votes to lock it in for another win .Master manipulation.
At sixteen I was trying to figure out how to cut class. This might work.
Because the mayor is one of them
Curtatone and his cronies…..what pieces of s$&@. Just when you think these left wing moonbats can’t get any worse???? They are completely unhinged and clearly there are no elected officials in Somerville who represent me. What’s next? Seriously????
This is bullshit! We have to vote these damn leaders out! This has got to be illegal!
So maybe next a sixteen-year-old will be eligible to run for office and run such a great underdog campaign as to unseat the oh so popular current mayor, maybe, it could happen.
Like Christine said..there are NO elected official in this city speaking for me. They are all out of their mind. Trust a 16 year old to vote on the direction this city is going???.
The left have officially lost their minds.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard off. It’s good to get kids involved and thinking about politics but really allowing them the privilege off voting at 16??? This is a bit much!
anything for a vote. This is so stupid but what do you expect from a democrat.
Are you for real?? Dumb
Gee how nice of our mayor. So soon for a response unlike if it was an underage drinking party with a stabbing. Still waiting.
THE DUMBEST thing I have ever seen in Somerville and that is really saying something.

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