Joint Statement on Mosque Attacks from Mayor Curtatone, The Somerville City Council, The Somerville School Committee, Chief Fallon, Superintendent Skipper

In Somerville, we pride ourselves on being a city that is home to people from all around the world and of every religion. So, when an atrocity like the mosque attacks in New Zealand takes place, we feel it here. We want to state emphatically our revulsion over this type of prejudice-driven violence and our solidarity with the people in our local Muslim community.

We understand the hurt and feelings of vulnerability that terrorism like this is designed to inspire. Know that you are not alone. Know that we stand ready to give you the support and friendship you need in the wake of a horrific act like this.

There is no “other” here. We share our city squares, schools, and public parks. Per the words of the Quran, we only seek to “compete with each other in doing good.” Somerville stands together against hate and violence. We are One Somerville. Diversity is our strength.

2 thoughts on “Joint Statement on Mosque Attacks from Mayor Curtatone, The Somerville City Council, The Somerville School Committee, Chief Fallon, Superintendent Skipper”

  1. Yes but if your not an illegal alien and you were raised in Somerville you’re screwed.

  2. As I have stated many times if I ever get in a jam, I want to be treated like an illegal alien. Can’t lose in Somerville.

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