Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Daniel ALMEIDA (Carry Dangerous Weapon, Unlicensed Op of MV)

The following is a brief summary to incident #18060654.

On 10/11/2018, I was working in plain clothes, operating an unmarked Police vehicle, assigned to the Somerville Police Drug Control Unit. At 5:36 PM observations were made by me of Daniel Almeida sitting in the driver’s seat of his truck (Ma Reg xxxx) on the corner of Perkins and Mount Vernon Street. Almeida is known to the Drug Control Unit from past incidents. I then queried the registration of Almeida’s Vehicle. The results of my query informed me that the vehicle is registered to Almeida and it also informed me that Almeida has an expired Ma driver’s license.

While in the area observing Almeida, I observed that Almeida began to drive down Perkins Street, Which is a public way in the city of Somerville. At this Point with the assistance of Detective’s McNally, Cicerone, Goncalves and marked unit East 1 (Ofc Vanostrand) a Motor vehicle stop was conducted of Almeida’s vehicle at the intersection of Pearl and Glen Street. At this point with my Police badge displayed on my outer garment, I approached Almeida to advise him why I was stopping him. Once I approached Almeida I asked him for his driver’s license and registration. Almeida stated to me that he did not have his license on him and he began to be very uncooperative with me. I then asked Almeida again for his license and he continued to be uncooperative with me. I then opened the door to his vehicle, were I then had Almeida step out of his vehicle where I placed him under arrest.  Officer P Canty and Ofc N Moreira also arrived on scene to assist with the stop.

At this point Mobile Detention Unit was requested and arrived on scene shortly operated by Officer J Brown. Officer J Brown then transported Almeida back to the station where he was booked by Lt. Lavey.

Sitting in the passenger seat was Almeida’s friend XXXX. Officer Vanostrand asked XXXX if he had a Ma driver’s License so that he could take control of the vehicle. XXXX produced an Illinois Driver’s License. XXXX then advised Ofc Vanostrand and I, that he has been living in Massachusetts for over a year and that he works in Boston for an Investment company. I then had XXXX step out the vehicle, where I then asked him if anything in the vehicle belonged to him. XXXX stated that nothing in the vehicle was his. XXXX was then advised and sent on his way.

Due to Almeida’s friend XXXX also being unlicensed, I called street supervisor Sgt Isidoro and received permission to tow Almeida’s vehicle incident to arrest. I also advised Sgt Isidoro that the vehicle could not be legally parked as it was in the middle of Pearl Street. I would also note that Almeida’s vehicle was missing its front Mass registration plate which I cited him for.

While doing an inventory search of the vehicle, I located small baggies of marijuana in a tin can located in a black back pack that was sitting on the front bench seat of the vehicle. Also in that black back pack was Almeida’s wallet that contained his wallet. Almeida was Issued an Municipal Ordinance Civil Citation (#55280) for the open container of marijuana.

In a black back pack that was also on the front bench seat of the vehicle, Detective Goncalves found a set of black brass knuckles. Almeida’s vehicle was then towed by Pats Towing.

Daniel Almeida was Issued Massachusetts uniform Citation #T1226141 for:

-C90 S10 operating an Motor vehicle unlicensed

-C90 S6 Failure to display front registration plate

Daniel Almeida was issued an Municipal Ordinance Civil Citation #55280 for:

-C94G S13 D open container of marijuana.

Daniel Almeida was also criminally charged with:

-C269 S10B Carrying a Dangerous weapon (Brass Knuckles)

Respectfully Submitted,

Detective Jason Costa #301

3 thoughts on “Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Daniel ALMEIDA (Carry Dangerous Weapon, Unlicensed Op of MV)”

  1. This is for S.P.D. Thugs, specially Costa which failed to provide a probable cause, it’s sad that they still racial profiling him, they failed to say that he has his own business, which he was in his business truck, not a drug dealer never was charged for any drug charges, unless it was pin on him. There’s no justice in Somerville specially if you are a foreigner. Also they fail to mention that, that arrest of Mr.D.Almeida was fabricated in a way to try and use I.C.E against him.

  2. I cant believe this Danny and I went to school together he is still like a brother to me ,he just been making wrong decisions.Im not sure what led to this and how it uou my brother

    1. Don’t believe it Rose, they are a bunch of liars, why would they follow him after coming from work, illegally stop and search his car and arrest him for a expire license, he had renewed his license after he had lost it a year before this incident, which he also has proof of, they just kept the same expiration date of the last license he had lost, they fail to put a new expectation date, he paid for it. He was not selling drugs or doing any negative activities, he already had a complaint against S.P.D officers after being threaten. Dirty ville.

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