Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Kimberly DUFFEY (VCO Open Container & Boston Warrant)

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018 Officer Nevin and I (Officer Dylan Lambert) were working our assigned 8 AM-4 PM shift in Ward 6.

At approximately 11:15 AM Officer Nevin and I heard Captain Donovan over the radio state that he was conducting a check condition at the Holland street MBTA bus station located in front Davis square. Officer Nevin, Chris Collette (West 7)and I responded to the location to assist Captain Donovan.

When we arrived on location Captain Donovan stated that he witnessed the defendant (Kimberly Duffey) drink from a 16 oz beer can that was concealed in a brown paper bag. The front area of Holland street bus station is considered a public area by the city of Somerville. Ms. Duffey was placed under arrest for the following city of Somerville ordinance violation:

9/1 VCO Open container

Ms. Duffey was transported by Officer Thomas Lambert in the prisoner transport wagon to the station and booked by Lt. Rymill.

Respectfully submitted,

Officer Dylan Lambert (#351)

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