Somerville Alderman Matthew Mclaughlin: Veteran Approaches Secretary Zinke About Exploiting Public Lands

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke visited Charlestown Navy Yard this morning. As an Iraq War veteran, community organizer, and local elected official I asked Zinke about his commitment to public lands. These spaces are critically important for returning veterans

Attached/linked you’ll find a video of Secretary Zinke, a former Navy SEAL, quickly dismissing my concerns. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

2 thoughts on “Somerville Alderman Matthew Mclaughlin: Veteran Approaches Secretary Zinke About Exploiting Public Lands”

  1. 1 Bravo Matt: you confronted the interior secretary about land, 2 Bravo to you, you get snubbed by him, it’s great to see your chasing him about land. Now: how about getting back to ward 1 and chase the rats which were infested with on our land, Matt, your forgetting your roots. What happened to you. Are you suffering from T.D.S.. Are you listening to Warren about higher office. Well start listening to your constituents. Start showing up we’re it matters most.

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