Somerville Speakup Line: Dante You’re a Good Cop, Curtatphony Sucks!

Dear Billy T and Somerville Speakup Line,

Re:Somerville Police Officer Dante DiFronz’s Rigged Termination Hearing

My Headline, Dante you are a good person from a great family. This sounds like another Curtaphony trick!

I’m from the old Westend. I had the great privilege of meeting you’re beautiful wife Nicole in June 2010 while she was at work at the mall. General Hospital, I know your family cousins Joe, Blackie, Pete and Ella.Eddie was a great person. Joe’s daughter Eddie Jo passed away so young.

Curtaphony only wants yes people who will play ball with him. How the Hell could anyone play ball with him?

He has no Cugnolis (in plain English No Balls).

His cousin, the crooked cops Alex never goes to jail and he gets a pension for life.

Dante, what you and your family have done the phony one lacks!

Crooked Cotter the Coverup Cop who wipes the phony one’s arses should be gone. If I had my way, I’d mop up Broadway with Curtaphony, Cotter and Commissioner Kotex (Mr DPW).

I pray that someday we meet. Regards to Nicole. May God keep his arms around you.


The Proud Sicilian from the West End Lucille Marie Bordonaro

One thought on “Somerville Speakup Line: Dante You’re a Good Cop, Curtatphony Sucks!”

  1. Dante is a bag of shite and that was true before he became a cop. His lack of ability brought him to kill a woman. Curtatone sucks but Dante should be in prison.

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