Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Patrick MCGONAGLE (RS MV, PWID B, Poss B)

The following is a Brief summary to incident #18008040.

During the early evening on February 09, 2018 members of the Somerville Police Department Drug Control Unit were conducting surveillance within the East Somerville area of the City of Somerville. At approximately 5:10 p.m., while in the East Somerville area, I queried Ma Reg xxxx. The results of my query showed that the vehicle (Red Nissan Versa) was stolen from Hertz Vehicles LLC. At this Time I notified Detectives in the area of the stolen vehicle.

After conducting Surveillance of the operator and the vehicle for about ten minutes, I began to follow that vehicle into the area of Lower Broadway along with other Detectives. Once we approached the area of 7x Broadway, which is a public way within the city of Somerville, Detective Sgt. Capasso activated his emergency lights and sirens in his Police Vehicle and affected a motor vehicle stop of the stolen vehicle in that area. Marked unit East 1 (Ofc Canty) also assisted with the Motor Vehicle stop.

At this time, Sergeant Detective Michael Capasso along with Detectives Goncalves, McNally, and I with our Police badges prominently displayed on the exterior of our clothing Approached the vehicle to further investigate. Once Sergeant Detective Michael Capasso approached the operator of the vehicle, who was identified as Patrick Mcgonagle (DOB xxx), Sgt. Capasso asked Patrick for the registration of the vehicle. Patrick then stated that he did not have it. Sgt. Capasso then asked Patrick who the vehicle belonged to and Patrick stated to a girlfriend of his but he declined to give Sgt. Capasso her name. Sgt. Capasso then advised Patrick that the car is reported stolen by Hertz Vehicles. Sgt. Capasso then asked Patrick who rented the car. Patrick still declined to give his girlfriends name.

At this time Sgt. Capasso had Patrick step out of the vehicle where he was placed under arrest. A search was then done of Patrick and 60 round pink pills inscribed 370 (Oxycodone 10 mg) along with a baggie containing a white rocky substance (Crack Cocaine 1.7 grams) was seized from Patrick. I would note that the large amount of Oxycodone found on Patrick is consistent with someone who will possess with the intent to distribute them. Six hundred and eighty dollars was also seized from Patrick and will be subject for forfeiture.

Patrick was shortly after transported to Somerville Police Headquarters via marked Detention unit 200, Officer Brown, where he was then booked in the usual manner by Lieutenant Digregorio. Please see additional reports regarding this incident.

Respectfully submitted,

Detective Jason Costa #301

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