Real Life Somerville Police Stories: Felipe LEAO (Distribute Class D)

The following is a brief summary pertaining to Incident #17075367:

On Thursday, December, 14, 2017, I was working in the Somerville Police Drug Unit as Delta-18. At approximately 4:45 P.M., I was running routine surveillance around the Edward Leathers Park along with Detectives Costa, Legros, Goncalves, McNally, and Sgt. Detective Capasso. My attention was drawn to a gray Nissan Sentra parked illegally directly next to the park. Within a few minutes I observed the rear passenger step out of the vehicle and use their cell phone. As the male was on the phone, I identified him as XXXXX. XXXXX is known to me from previous complaints filed against him for various Marijuana possession offenses. After approximately twenty minutes, this gray Nissan began driving west on Medford Street with XXXXX seated in the rear driver’s side. The vehicle traveled westbound as detectives followed directly behind it.

The gray Nissan drove directly onto Highland Avenue where it took a right onto College Avenue and parked illegally in front of the MBTA station with its hazards on. As the vehicle parked, I parked directly behind it and observed XXXXX exit the rear of the vehicle and immediately begin to use his phone. XXXXX walked to the front of JP Licks and got off his phone. As XXXXX was walking in a circle in front of JP Licks, Detective Costa was on foot observing XXXXX. Within a few seconds a male party, Felipe Leao, walked out of Boston Burger and met with XXXXX. I would note that Mr. Leao is well known to members of the SPD Drug Unit from prior Marijuana distribution offenses. XXXXX and Mr. Leao walked over to a gray BMW parked alongside Holland Street. Detectives Legros and Costa stated that Mr. Leao got into the driver’s side seat while XXXXX got into the passenger side seat. Within ten seconds both males exited the gray BMW. Mr. Leao went back into Boston Burger while XXXXX began walking back to the gray Nissan parked in front of me. At this time, in my training and experience, I believed a hand to hand drug transaction had just taken place between both males. At this time, I asked Detective Costa and McNally to stop Mr. Leao as I would be stopping XXXXX along with Detectives Legros and Goncalves as well as Officers Lorenti and Clark.

As I stopped XXXXX, I asked where he had been coming from to which he stated, “Nowhere.” I then informed XXXXX that I had been following him. XXXXX stated that he had just met with Mr. Leao. At this time, I read XXXXX his rights pursuant to Miranda from a card I keep in my wallet. XXXXX stated he understood. XXXXX stated he had met with Mr. Leao and purchased a “dub” from him. XXXXX stated he paid ten dollars for the Marijuana and it was in his right pocket. XXXXX then went into his right pocket and retrieved a white piece of paper which was wrapped around a green leafy substance I believed to be Marijuana. XXXXX handed this item to Detective Legros. At this time, I explained my finding to Detective McNally and Costa as they went to speak with Leao.

While speaking to Leao, Detectives asked him where he had been coming from. Leao stated he wasn’t coming from anywhere. Detectives then asked once again to which Leao stated he was coming from his vehicle. Detectives asked who he was in the vehicle with to which he stated, “I was by myself.” Detectives explained to Mr. Leao that we had observed him meeting with XXXXX. Leao stayed quiet at this time. Mr. Leao was placed into custody by Detectives McNally and Costa where he stated, “I beat the last case, I’ll beat this one too.” Leao was transported to Somerville Police Headquarters via marked unit 200, Officer Rivera, where he was booked in the usual manner by Lieutenant DiGregorio. During a search incident to arrest of Mr. Leao’s vehicle, Detectives observed additional Marijuana along with a digital scale. In my training and experience, this amount of Marijuana (over one ounce), and the digital scale, are common ingredients used by people who possess narcotics with the intent to distribute them. During his arrest, $280.00 was seized from Mr. Leao and will be subject to forfeiture.

Respectfully submitted,

Detective Fernando Cicerone #279

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