A Message from Somerville Alderman-at-Large Jack Connolly

Citizens and Friends of Somerville,

Thank you very much for your willingness to send me to City Hall as an elected Alderman for all these past years (1984-2005; 2007-2017).

I would especially like to say thank you to each one of the Mayors and the administrations I’ve had the pleasure to work with, sometimes battle with, but most importantly sharing many successes with, over all these years. Thank you Mayor Brune, Mayor Capuano, Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay, and present Mayor Curtatone; much has been accomplished during our collective tenure!

Just thinking back, these come to mind: the planning and building of the Redline together with the Davis Square task force, the Post T rebuilding of Davis Square, the Harvard Vanguard building development, saving the Somerville Theater, planning and building of 212 Elm Street, bringing in businesses such as The Burren, The Diesel Café, the Joshua Tree, securing the Social Security Office, bringing lights and new pathways to Powder House Park, creating the University ‘green belt’ district for the Tufts neighborhood, planning and constructing the community path, and many more accomplishments!

All of these efforts were done with the cooperation and interaction with city administration, state and regional commissions and authorities, neighborhoods and Aldermen and School Committee colleagues in one fashion together.

More recently, the Assembly Square planning and construction, together with the Orange Line Station construction, the emergence of the Green Line extension throughout the City, the plans for the new Somerville High School, the rezoning of Union Square and many other efforts have all been done or will be done only with our mutual cooperation sometimes after heated and protracted debates, discussions, and many neighborhood meetings.

Four of my Board of Alderman colleagues and I are leaving the board soon, but I submit we have left the bar set very high for those capable folks who follow.

It is my impression that much has been accomplished working together over the years, and our only agenda consisted of improving the quality of lives for all of us whether you were a Somerville lifer or new to the ‘Ville community.

It has certainly been an honor and a distinct pleasure to have served the City of Somerville.

My best wishes to the Mayor and his administration for his soon to be next term, and also my best wishes for continued successes for the incoming Board of Alderman for 2018 and 2019.

I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season!

Thank you,

Jack Connolly

Going forward, you can reach me via my new email address jackconnolly422@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “A Message from Somerville Alderman-at-Large Jack Connolly”

  1. Truly one of the finest and most dedicated public officials to ever serve the City of Somerville. Thank you for your service Jack. Well done. Enjoy your much deserved rest from the chaos of being a public servant.

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