Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang: Update on Upper Cedar St-Broadway to Highland Ave Roadway Improvements Project

I am sorry to pass along the bad news that once again, for the 3rd year in a row, this project has been put off until next year.

The plans were all set, we had a great community meeting in Sept., & the need is urgent. But sometimes the wheels of City government grind agonizingly slowly.

The issues apparently were procedural & administrative, involving state funding & getting everything lined up.

Part of the reason for 3 years of delays is that the City has had 4 Directors of Engineering just in the 4 years that I have been Ward 5 Alderman.

The current City Engineer, Rich Raiche, is doing a terrific job of managing the enormous amount of street work going on in the City. I am confident that he will get this important project done next year.

3 thoughts on “Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang: Update on Upper Cedar St-Broadway to Highland Ave Roadway Improvements Project”

  1. Excuses, excuses. 4 directors of engineering in 4 years, can’t get things lined up…. must be a bad work environment at city not attracting and retaining talent. bad job.

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