Real Life Somerville Police Stories: OUI Arrest



The following is a brief summary pertaining to incident #15028772:

On the above date and time while in full uniform in marked cruiser East-3, I was dispatched along withe East-2 Officer Cabral to the area of 66 Central Street which is a public way in the City of Somerville for a motor vehicle accident.

Upon arrival, I noticed that there was one motor vehicle MA Registration 171EN8 on its side with a man sitting on top of it with his legs crossed. The vehicle had crashed into a parked vehicle MA Registration 978YC9. I immediately went over to the man and asked if he was ok and if there was anyone else in the car or injured. The man later identified as Mr. Daniel E. Sheehan was agitated and said no and put his hands behind his back and said arrest me. I told Mr. Sheehan to get down off of the vehicle which he did. Mr. Sheehan said he had a knife on him and do to his level of agitation I advised him to sit on the curb which he did. Mr. Sheehan was searched by Officer Cabral but there was not a knife on his person. (Note: The knife would be found by Officer Cabral later in the vehicle Mr. Sheehan was driving during inventory for the tow) While Mr. Sheehan was sitting on the ground, I looked into his vehicle and noticed that the keys were still in the ignition and that there was an open can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer on the windshield above the steering wheel on the drivers side.

One witness later identified as came over to me and stated that she had been behind Mr. Sheehan coming up Central Street towards Highland Avenue and witnessed him swerving all over the road before he hit the parked vehicle and flipped his own car on its side. She said that Mr. Sheehan was the man driving the vehicle. After talking with , I went back over to Mr. Sheehan and bent down to his eye level since he was still sitting on the curb and asked him if he had any medical conditions. He said that he did not have any medical conditions. I noticed the smell of an alcoholic beverage on Mr. Sheehan’s breath. I tried to look into Mr. Sheehan’s eyes with my flashlight but he turned away, closed his eyes and would not let me get a close look at them. I put the flashlight away from his eyes and asked to look at them which he replied “No”. I asked if he had been drinking tonight which he stated that he had not. I then told Officer Cabral that Mr. Sheehan stated that he had not been drinking which Mr. Sheehan overheard and responded that he never said that he had not been drinking. When I asked Mr. Sheehan for a third time if he had been drinking he said no.

At this time, Cataldo ambulance showed up to check on Mr. Sheehan to make sure he was not hurt. When the ambulance personnel started to ask Mr. Sheehan standard medical questions he told them to “Fuck Off” and that he didn’t want to talk to them. Cataldo ambulance personnel stated that he appeared to be fine and cleared him as a medical refusal. I told Mr. Sheehan that I was going to conduct some field sobriety tests and read the instructions off of a card which I then showed him because I believed he may be under the influence of alcohol. He stated that “You want to know how I know your an idiot? Because you have to read off of a card.” (I would like to note that reading the field sobriety tests off of a card is my standard procedure) Mr. Sheehan refused to stand up and do the tests and kept yelling “NO! NO! NO!” I asked Mr. Sheehan if he was refusing to do the field sobriety tests and he stated that he knows his rights and “Fuck You”.

Another witness came forward, who was a taxi driver MA registration that had been hit by Mr. Sheehan right before Mr. Sheehan flipped his vehicle and crashed into the other car. As soon as Mr. Ogori stated that he had been a witness, Mr Sheehan became belligerent and tried to get up screaming, “You Fucking Rat”. I had to get in between Mr. Sheehan who was headed directly towards . I asked Officer Messaoudi who had arrived on scene for assistance, to talk with to get him away from Mr. Sheehan. Mr. stated to the other officer that he had been driving down Central St. in the opposite direction of Mr. Sheehan when he witnessed Mr. Sheehan hit his taxi causing him to go right up on the sidewalk causing his front right tire to blow. I told Mr. Sheehan to sit back down on the ground after putting my hand on him which he did but he kept screaming profanities. A crowd started to gather across the street and watch Mr. Sheehan yell more profanities. At this time, Mr. Sheehan was placed under arrest for the following charges:

Chapter 90/ Section 24: Operating under the influence of alcohol
Chapter 90/ Section 24I: In vehicle with open container of alcohol
Chapter 90/ Section24(2)(a): Operating to endanger
Chapter 272/ Section 53: Disorderly Conduct

Mr. Sheehan was transported back to the Somerville Police Station in the usual manner by unit 200 Officer Shaun Clark. Mr. Sheehan refused to answer any questions during booking and was uncooperative. He refused to do a breathalyzer test and the field sobriety tests. The open container of Pabst and knife were brought back to the police station by Officer Cabral and put into evidence. An accident report will be filed for this incident and Mr. Sheehan was issued two Massachusetts Uniform Citations R5801295 and R5801297. Mr. Sheehan’s vehicle was towed by Pats Towing to their lot.

Respectfully submitted,

Ofc. Sousa

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