Real Life Somerville Police Stories


Smith Arrest

I officer Joseph S. Teves was working in full uniform assigned to marked cruiser East 4. At approximately 6:44 PM. I was dispatched to Medford Street along with East 1 ( Officer Mark Nevin ) to meet with the victim of an
alleged larceny. When we arrived on location we were met by the reporting party ( . v1 stated that he was in his bedroom watching a movie on his Mac book Pro. At some point v1 needed to take a shower so he went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. While v1 was taking a shower he left his Mac book Pro on his mattress. When v1 was finished he returned to his room to find his computer missing.

I asked v1 who else was in the apartment. V1 stated that his roommates were home at the time of the theft. There were a total of three people in the apartment while v1 was in the shower. The individuals present were (Porcha Smith DOB: 10/20/1983), and While Officer Neven and I were speaking with the roommates about the alleged theft East 3 ( Officer Jason Costa ) Arrived to assist. While we were gathering names and verifying Identifications it was discovered that Mrs. Smith had several outstanding arrest warrants in the system. I would like to note that Mrs. Smith had quite a few entries on her board of probation record. I would also like to add that a lot of the entries were theft related. Mrs. Smith was placed into custody and transported to the Somerville Police Department for Booking by Lt Vivolo.

I then had lengthily conversations with the other two roommates. Roomate2 allowed me to enter his room and take a look around for the computer however the search bore no fruit. When I spoke with roomate3 he informed me that there was another incident that took place at an earlier time involving missing property, roomate3 also stated that he thought that Mrs. Smith was responsible for that in particular incident. I asked r3 to elaborate if he could. R3 went on to explain to me how he had awaken to find Mrs. Smith in his room r3 also stated that this had happened twice. Both times Mrs. Smith apologized and left the room with no explanation as to why she was there. However the second time she was in the room r3 had come to find that 1,000.00 Dollars was missing from his shelf.

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