Real Life Somerville Police Stories


Delucien Arrest

On Friday, May 3rd, 2014, I, Officer, was working routing patrol in marked cruiser East 4. At approximately 03:00 hours I was driving westbound on
Broadway. At the intersection of Broadway and Powder House Rotatory, I witnessed a Grey sedan bearing MA Registration make a left hand turn from Warner St., travel through the rotary in the wrong direction and make a left hand turn onto Broadway. I traveled around the rotary and headed back in an easterly direction on Broadway. I spotted the Grey sedan one vehicle in front of me and activated my blue lights to signal the driver to stop.

The Grey sedan came to a stop at the intersection of Broadway and Cedar Street. I queried MA Registration and discovered that the registration was suspended. I approached the driver and identified him as Stevenson Delucien. I asked him where he was going and who’s car he was driving. Delucien appeared nervous, tried to speak but only stuttered and mumbled for a few seconds. He finally said that he was on his way to meet some friends at the Hip Hop Studio on Lowell Street. He also said that the car belonged to his friend’s girlfriend from Quincy and that he had permission to use the vehicle.

I returned to my cruiser and ran a query of Delucien’s driver’s license number and found he had an extensive criminal history. At this point I notified control to send me back up. I also confirmed that the car in fact did belong to a female from Quincy. Unit East 3: Officer arrived on scene shortly after. Officer and I approached the vehicle; I notified Delucien that the registration was suspended and that I would be towing the car. I also asked him if he had anything illegal inside the vehicle and Delucien answered No. I asked Delucien if I could search the vehicle and he answered yes. Delucien exited of the vehicle and I asked him if he had any dangerous weapons on his person. He answered No. I asked Delucien if I could search him and he answered yes. Officer and I conducted a consent search of Delucien for dangerous weapons but ended up finding a 1 gram bag of high grade marijuana in his left pants pocket. I asked Delucien if he had anymore drugs to which his reply was No. Delucien was placed in handcuffs for safety reasons and notified that he was not being placed under arrest at the time.

Officer and I then proceeded to conduct a consent search of the Grey sedan Delucien was driving. I opened the glove box and found 2 individually packaged 1/2 ounce bags of high grade marijuana. I also found another 1 gram bag of marijuana under the passenger seat of the car. I asked Delucien if they were his and he denied ownership. He told me that he was holding it for a friend. At this point I radioed for Sergeant who was the street supervisor on duty; he arrived on scene shortly after to advise.

I told Delucien he was being placed under arrest for Possession of a Class D Substance with Intent to Distribute and read him his Miranda Rights from a card. Unit 200 then arrived on scene and transported Delucien to the Somerville Police Station for booking. I continued to search the Grey sedan for other illegal items however none were found. No paraphernalia, pipes, rolling papers or other smoking devices consistent with personal use were found. The vehicle was inventoried, registration plates removed and towed to by Pat’s Towing to their lot in Somerville. I issued Delucien Criminal Citation #R4784424 for M.G.L c.94C S34/G: Possession of a Class D Substance and M.G.L c.94C S32/C Possession of a Class D Substance with Intent to Distribute. I then arrived at the station to assist with the Booking process and noticed that Delucien was wearing 2 pair of pants. We conducted another search of his body and discovered: 4, 1 grams bags of marijuana concealed in his left ankle area, and 1, 1/4 ounce bag of marijuana was recovered from his right ankle area. The marijuana was inventoried and placed in the evidence lock up.

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