Breakfast With William “Billy” Tauro Event Photos

Photos by Harry Agritha

Great day today in Ward 7 Somerville at Renee‘s Café during one of many “Breakfast On Billy” events that are held across the city each week.

These events give us the opportunity to sit with many wonderful constituents to discuss their needs and concerns in the community and what the “Outline for a Greater Somerville” consists of todays “Somerville Seniors Breakfast On Billy” and “Somerville Veterans Breakfast On Billy” will be held on April 18th. Both events are FREE OF CHARGE

Both events are to show well deserved appreciation and respect to our Somerville seniors and Somerville veterans! Since the pandemic began, the current administration and city councilors have taken everything away from them including vital programs and activities and they have been forced to stay put in their senior buildings. This political overkill nonsense ends today! #TEAMTAUROforMAYOR2021

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