Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville Mayor Call’s Upon Police and Feds For Immediate Protection Fear of Facebook Post

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Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

Hey Billy, can’t really talk. Just got a call. I guess someone posted a loose threat about Curtatone on Facebook. He called is demanding extra patrols and he called Johnny O directly wanting help from the FBI.

Why would someone who wants to defund us (Police) immediately call the police for help based on an idle threat over FB saying “Curtatone needs to be taken out.”

That’s it. It could have meant out of office. He’s a hypocrite. Why doesn’t he call a social worker ??

7 thoughts on “Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville Mayor Call’s Upon Police and Feds For Immediate Protection Fear of Facebook Post”

  1. The poor fool who wrote that post obviously did not think that he would harm the Mayor. However he is going to take this all the way like the Barstool accusations.
    The dumb post gives him more media coverage than he needs since everyone sees through his public bullshit.
    This city is in the worse shape since the days assholes referred to us a scummerville.

  2. KITTY! That is hilarious. I saw the postings and immediately knew what it meant (out of office) SMDH Anything to make him relavent

  3. Dont think that was a threat at think he meant out of office because he is doing such a bad job and screwing home owners he is a joke with the city

  4. Overkill, I saw that post. Not close to being a threat. Heat of the moment like many people fed up with him and want him out of here.

    1. Arthur, it’s quite amazing how those interested in defunding the police realize how foolish an idea it really is…Mayor Curtatone, please be above, and much better, than that!…

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