Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville City Employee Breaking City’s Own Rules


Dear Billy T and Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line,

This is a PMA employee hired by the City of Somerville to oversee the operation he is on Highland Avenue  with no mask or face covering during this covid-19 pandemic. Continue reading Somerville/Medford News Weekly Speakup Line:Somerville City Employee Breaking City’s Own Rules



By Gene Brune

What have we learned listening and watching all that has happened and continuing today regarding the sad ending of the life of George Floyd? When I first watched on television the police officer holding down Floyd with his knee putting pressure on Floyd’s neck and listening to Floyd begging for him to stop as he couldn’t breathe, I immediately felt disgust for the police officer. Continue reading HAVE WE LEARNED ANYTHING?

Somerville to Officially Declare Systemic Racism a Public Safety and Health Emergency

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Mayor Curtatone Announces Next Steps in Ongoing Efforts to Provide Just, Unbiased, and Compassionate Community Policing

Establishment of Civilian Oversight Committee,
Continued Pursuit of Officer Body Cameras,
Changes to Asset Forfeiture Funding Policies,
Call for State-Level Special Prosecutor for Police Violence Cases, Continue reading Somerville to Officially Declare Systemic Racism a Public Safety and Health Emergency