Somerville First Annual Betsy McDonald Llanwarne Memorial Scholarship

On May 22, 2019, the Somerville Police Employees Association, which is the Union representing the Somerville Police Patrolman, along with the McDonald Family presented two High School Seniors with the first annual Betsy McDonald Llanwarne Memorial Scholarship. 

The scholarships were funded by both the Union and the McDonald Family on behalf of their daughter Betsy Llanwarne, who passed away from cancer at the age of 32.  The criteria for the scholarship was for the applicants to submit a 500 word essay on what type of adversity he or she had faced during their high school years and how they were able to overcome it with grace and dignity just as Betsy had.  

Betsy fought her battle with cancer with grace and hope and always persevered in the most difficult of times.  The recipients of this years scholarships  are Leslie Indira Nava Sanchez and Ann Katherine Donovan.

The scholarship would not have been made possible without the diligent effort of both SPEA Union President Michael McGrath and Officer Katie McDaid.

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