SOMERVILLE WARD 2 City Counselor JT SCOTT:Looking For Surviving Relatives of Deceased Somerville Resident Anna Moran

Anna Moran, of 377 Washington St, has passed. I am looking to find any surviving relatives in Somerville and help make arrangements for her.

She was related to many famous members of the Moran family in Somerville, and had a lot of great stories she shared about Somerville of the past. Some of those were:
George J Moran, Alderman Ward 2 1930-33, 1940-41, At-Large 1968-69 (VP 32, Pres 33)
Walter J Moran, Alderman Ward 1 1936-41 (VP 40, Pres 41)
Wesley A Moran, Alderman Ward 1 1942-46
…and somewhat notably Daniel F Moran, formerly well known in Magoun Square.

Any help you or your friends on Facebook can offer would be much appreciated.


JT Scott, Ward 2 City Councilor

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