Somerville Speakup Line: Parent Outraged School Doors Not Supervised in Somerville HighSchool

Dear Billy T and Somerville Speakup Line,

Hey Billy, how do I go about getting something posted in the News Weekly on FB? Is it through the Speak Out?

I’m outraged that my daughter went back to the high school yesterday after February break and they STILL don’t have anyone supervising the multiple doors getting into the school.

Kids are still walking the halls and just letting people in that are standing outside because they’re late and don’t want to come in through the main entrance. C’mon! Where’s the common sense? When I went to SHS from 88-92, there were teachers by every single door when we were switching classes so that no one could get in.

My daughter told me there’s a walk out planned for tomorrow at 8:17am and that the teachers are encouraging it because of safety issues. And the principal isn’t even acknowledging anything nor is he making it a point of making these kids feel safe. But it was a different story during the “sanctuary city”. There were assembly’s and announcements day after day to ensure those kids felt safe. It’s not right.


A extremely concerned parent. Hopefully, this will suffice. Thanks Billy

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