Rep Mike Connelly Hosts Coffee Hour For Cobble Hill Seniors

By Martin Polignone

This past Wednesday Rep Mike Connelly visited Cobble Hill elders with an array of Valentine’s Day treats. The conversation focused on his work at the State level covering many issues and concerns of the many residents in attendance.

One of Mike’s great effort to the Cobble Hill community was his swift work in restoring elevator service after being down for a week. In working with the head of state elevator inspections, Mike was able to schedule a state inspector to be on site as soon as the repair was completed.

Several residents that were unable to use the stairs were able to keep doctors appointment, go food shopping and just get out in general after a week of not being able to leave their homes.

Alderman Matt McLaughlin joined the conversation with issues that are being worked on both at the State and City level. Such as the Green Line extensions and pending legislation to create and preserve affordable housing. ” Mike is representing us well, ” as all in attendance were eager to sign his nomination papers for his re election.

The elders heard from Cobble Hill resident Martin Polignone and were eager to sign his nomination papers for Governor’s Council as well, based on his long standing commitment as an advocate for the elderly and disabled communities. A great Valentine’s day was happy for all.

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